Without an operating system, your computer is a box of wires switches, and not much more. It could be compared to your conciousness. The part that controls the functions you perform on a regular or irregular basis. This is a small discussion of different operating systems, and the advantages of each    


Most basic operating system. Easy to Use.   Microsoft's Disk Operating System, has been the backbone of many PCs operating in the past, present, and probably will be somewhat into the future.   Lacks higher functions without GUI


    An operating system with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to make interaction with the computer easier for everyday users.    


    Operating platform designed to support servers and information sharing    



"Open Source" Operating system designed by Linus Torvald as an alternative to Unix for servers, and Windows for PC users. Gaining popularity, the Linux platform has proven to be quite stable, and has many more options for use than early on.

Recent releases of Linux have proven to be amazingly similar in feel to Windows, and have supporting sofware available.